Come What May, Crystals of Dust (Støvkrystaller) (2015)

Come What May (2014-15) is about the experience of living with Alzheimer in the close family over many years. The work is an attempt to cope with the loss and also to remember a mother who gradually disappears. Come What May chronicles this loss in many different ways. One of the photographs is of the artists' daughter wearing her grandmother’s dress from the 70s. A series of sun prints is of the weed from the pots on her mother porch that she was not able to tend because of her illness. One of the photographs is a recent portrait of her mother. In addition Hansen has included five postcards that her mother sent to her father while she was a chaperone on the artists' swimming camp in the 80s.  The title of the work is a rewriting of a statement that Hansen's mother made when she realized that she was about to lose grip of her everyday life. The title also has a reference to the film Moulin Rouge that the granddaughter had as her favorite film at the time the portrait Come What May was made.  

  • Come What May, analogue photography, 2013

  • Gunnlaug, inkjet print, 2014

  • Five postcards to Arne and Pine on Pine, inkjet print, 2013 (Photo: Marie Sjøvold)

  • Weedmemories, sun print, 2015

  • Weedmemories, sun print, 2015